Monday, May 29, 2017

The sand arrived for our new sandpit!!!!  

LEGO has arrived!!!  Many thanks to our wonderful fundraisers.  We enjoy playing, creating and following instructions with our lego.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Term 2

Room 7 Newsletter

     Welcome to Term 2!  We are pleased with the warmth that our heat pump provides - with the drop in temperatures, we really appreciate it!!

We visited the Hutt Library last week and brought back books to put in our library corner.  Our next visits will be on Thursday May 25th and Thursday June 22nd.   Any parents / grandparents who can walk with us will be most welcome.

We will also be visiting the Dowse this term.  We are going on Monday 22nd  May between 9 30 and 12 30.  A notice was sent home last week about this,
Our Junior cross country will be held on Friday May 19th with postponement date for the next fine day – could be the following Monday or Tuesday.

Tiniball starts this Friday ( 12th ) with a grading game to start with.  Many thanks to Cooper’s mum, Jamie, for coaching this team!!

Please name sweaters, jerseys and sweatshirts!  These get taken off when the children warm up and generally get returned to us if they are named.

Reports will come out this term and interviews will be held.

The Bring and Buy is coming up next Friday 12th May, so it’s time for another clean out of those cupboards and toy boxes!!
Looks like another busy term!

Heather Burrell