
We had a great time, enjoying the sunshine and joining the school for fitness on Friday.
Welcome to Our Class Blog
The last week of term is upon us and what a busy term it's been ...
The children and staff have all contributed towards our Fabulous Gala on Friday by tirelessly working and creating our numerous goodies to sell.
We raised a whopping $15,000!! Thank you all so much for making this happen!
Check out our cool pics below, we would love to hear your comments :)
Ryu and Mr Gendall turning on the lights in preparation for Friday afternoon.
Good job Ryu!
Maia's Mum at our Hair and Clip stall

Fantastic job Levi!
Woah, look at all our Tombola bottles!
Books, books and more books!
Looking good girls, well done on the Book Stand
Well done to Room 7, your money skills were fantastic!
Good job Aarik!
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and well
deserved break, see you next term!
It was fun doing skipping